Full-time status, Financial Aid, and Study Abroad

Full-time Status

Full-time status is two courses per summer session and three courses during the spring and fall semesters (the maximum recommended). To receive financial aid, you must be at least half-time; that is, you must take a minimum of two courses during the summer (two in one session, or one course in each session) and two courses in a regular semester.

Financial Aid

For more information and questions regarding financial aid, please contact the Financial Aid Office at the following link: https://financialaid.ecu.edu/

Study Abroad

Many MTL students attend a study abroad trip to London, which occurs annually, to fulfill some of their course requirements and immerse themselves in the diverse possibilities of English literature. For more information, please refer to https://english.ecu.edu/study-abroad/

Professors Will Banks and Rick Taylor enjoying a play at the Globe Theatre on the London Study Abroad trip.

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