Drs. Giurcanu and Krishnan Announce “Visegrad in the 21st Century”

Drs. Magda Giurcanu and Armin Krishnan are very happy to announce the launch of a new course “Visegrad in the 21st century” made possible by a three-year University Studies Grant from the International Visegrad Fund in Bratislava, Slovakia. The €18, 503 funds received from the Visegrad Group will be used to raise awareness on the security threats and geostrategic opportunities the Eastern European Visegrad states are facing after the fall of the Soviet Union.  In addition, the course and the ECE community will tremendously benefit from the visits, talks, and presentations of at least six scholars from the Visegrad states (Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic, and Slovakia) that will be organized starting this coming fall.


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