Undergraduate Political Science students present in Raleigh, Nov 10

The following students enrolled in the “Visegrad in the 21 Century” course taught by Dr. Magda Giurcanu, with Dr. Armin Krishnan as guest speaker, presented research posters at the State of North Carolina Undergraduate Research and Creativity Symposium (SNCURCS) hosted by NC State University in Raleigh on Nov 10, 2018.

  • Andrew Li and Maya Gonzalez, “A comparison of the Involvement of Young People in the Czech Velvet Revolution and Tunisian Arab Spring”
  • Spence Hodges, “The Current State of the Refugee Crisis and Immigration into V4 States”
  • Alexis Newman and Kaleigh Calloway, “Anti-Communist Movements and Opposition to Communism Prior to 1989”
  • Cady Willard and Deyanira Sanchez, “Communist Nostalgia in Hungary and Poland”
  • Alexa Braithwaite, “Thersienstadt Labor Camp and the Propaganda behind it”
    Artis Destiny and Brown Wilson, “Russian Online Propaganda”

In addition, George Hendrix, mentored by Dr. Magda Giurcanu, presented the following research paper at the same conference: “The Roles of Social Media in 21 century Populism(s): US Presidential Campaigns”.

ECU’s students participation in the SNCURCS conference was made possible through the generous sponsorship of the Office of Undergraduate Research and the Visegrad International Fund.

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