Master of Science in Security Studies Congratulates Graduate Kaitlyn Rose!

The Department of Political Science at ECU and its Master of Science in Security Studies Congratulates Graduate Kaitlyn Rose!

Kaitlyn earned her Master of Science in Security Studies with a concentration in International Security. She was a graduate assistant for the Department of Political Science, is the author of an article titled “Military Intervention and the Destabilization of Target States”, and is in the process of co-authoring research on the onset of pro-government militias and the impact of gender provisions in peace agreements. She would like to thank her family and friends for their unconditional love and support from afar these past years. They always believed in her abilities and continue to do so. She further wants to thank the faculty of the department for their encouragement and clarity along the way, as many of them served as close mentors during her time at East Carolina University. As she moves forward with her professional, personal, and academic aspirations, she holds the Pirate motto, “Servire” or “To Serve”, close to her heart.

Congratulations, Kaitlyn, and Good Luck!

Congratulations Chastidy Clarke, 2020 Masters of Public Administration Grad!

The Department of Political Science at ECU and Its Master of Public Administration Program Congratulate Graduate!

Chastidy’s graduation takes an extra-hard tug at the heart strings!

Chastidy has been the best darned Departmental Administrator anyone could ask for during the past 4+ years and we’re all thrilled to see her achieve this professional milestone! She’s an amazing colleague and friend to the Department’s faculty and students, as well as a real asset to our College. We are all so excited to see what the future holds for you Chastidy, whether with us or as you leverage your MPA to advance your career.

Congratulations, Good Luck, and All Our Love, Chastidy!

Congratulations Taylor Kriminger, 2020 Masters of Public Administration Grad!

The Department of Political Science at ECU’s Master of Science in Security Studies program Congratulates Graduate Taylor Kriminger!

Taylor is grateful for his time at ECU and the knowledge he has gained. During his time as a graduate student he has maintained a 4.0 GPA, been awarded the Roger Sharpe Political Science Scholarship, and was inducted into ECU’s chapter of Phi Kappa Phi. He says he would not have been able to accomplish any of these feats without the unwavering support of his wife and daughter. Upon graduation he looks forward to a career in the federal government.

Congratulations, Taylor, and Good Luck!

Congratulations Jessica Honeycutt, 2020 Masters of Public Administration Grad!

The Department of Political Science at ECU’s Master of Public Administration Program Congratulates Graduate Jessica Honeycutt!

Jessica thanks Dr. Scavo and Dr. Fleming for always pushing her beyond what she thought she was capable of. She hopes to continue to work in a leadership role to encourage employees to grow and develop in order to become the very best they can be.

Congratulations Jessica, and Good Luck!

2020 Political Science Grad Alec Cusack

The Department of Political Science Congratulates!

Alec is graduating with Bachelors Degrees in both Political science and Multidisciplinary Studies: Security Studies. He will commission into the United States Army as an Active Duty officer branching Military Intelligence with a branch detail in Infantry.

Congratulations, Good Luck, and Thank You for Your Service, Alec!

2020 Political Science Grad Rebecca Andrews

The Department of Political Science Congratulates Rebecca Andrews on Her Graduation!
Rebecca majored in both Political Science and History. In the fall she will be attending King’s College London pursuing a Master’s degree in International Conflict Studies.

Congratulations and Good Luck, Rebecca!

2020 Political Science Grad Gianna Venaro

The Department of Political Science Congratulates Gianna Venaro on Graduation!
Gianna was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi where she held two positions and was a member of multiple committees. She was also a member of the Greek Honors Society – Order of Omega. Gianna will be attending ECU in the fall to pursue a Master’s in Public Administration.

Go Pirates!

Congratulations Gianna, and we’re excited to join our MPA program this fall!

2020 Political Science Grad Jacob Blizzard

The Department of Political Science at ECU Congratulates Graduate Jacob Blizzard.
Jacob majored in both Political Science and Multidisciplinary Studies: Security Studies. In the fall he will be attending the London School of Economics and Political Science to pursue a joint masters in the Theory and History of International Relations.

Congratulations and Good Luck, Jacob!

2020 Political Science Grad Raequan Purvis

The Department of Political Science at ECU Congratulates Graduate Raequan Purvis!
Raequan thanks East Carolina University and the East Carolina football team for giving him the opportunity to learn and play for pirate nation. He says it was truly an unforgettable experience. Once a Pirate always a Pirate!

Congratulations and Good Luck, Raequan!

2020 Political Science Grad Alexa Braithwaite

The Department of Political Science at ECU Congratulates Graduate Alexa Braithwaite!

Through ECU, Alexa was able to study abroad in Berlin, see her cousin in the U.K. and have great experiences. She plans to go to law school to become an immigration attorney, so she can give her friends a voice. She thanks her community at the El Rancho Drive-in who helped her figure out what she wanted to do with her life. She thanks her husband James and parents, who have always told she can do whatever she sets her mind to. Lastly, she thanks some of her favorite professors: Dr. Francia for always making class exciting and and for letting her be your intern for the center of survey research, Dr. Kane for being a wonderful professor and always answering her emails, and Dr. Jones for helping her get to Berlin.

Congratulations and Good Luck, Alexa!

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