Master of Science in Security Studies Congratulates Graduate Kaitlyn Rose!

The Department of Political Science at ECU and its Master of Science in Security Studies Congratulates Graduate Kaitlyn Rose!

Kaitlyn earned her Master of Science in Security Studies with a concentration in International Security. She was a graduate assistant for the Department of Political Science, is the author of an article titled “Military Intervention and the Destabilization of Target States”, and is in the process of co-authoring research on the onset of pro-government militias and the impact of gender provisions in peace agreements. She would like to thank her family and friends for their unconditional love and support from afar these past years. They always believed in her abilities and continue to do so. She further wants to thank the faculty of the department for their encouragement and clarity along the way, as many of them served as close mentors during her time at East Carolina University. As she moves forward with her professional, personal, and academic aspirations, she holds the Pirate motto, “Servire” or “To Serve”, close to her heart.

Congratulations, Kaitlyn, and Good Luck!

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