Fun Facts about Presidential Impeachment (Part IV)

Can Donald Trump Be Barred from Holding Federal Office if Convicted in the Present Impeachment Trial?

The short answer is, perhaps. From a recent article in the LA Times:

“Yale Law School professor Bruce Ackerman and Indiana University law professor Gerard Magliocca argued that members of Congress had another, perhaps easier, path to barring Trump from office.

“They pointed to Section 3 of the 14th Amendment, aimed at preventing people from holding federal office if they are deemed to have “engaged in insurrection or rebellion against” the Constitution.

“The professors write that if a majority vote of both houses agree that Trump has engaged in an act of “insurrection or rebellion,” then he would be barred from running for the White House again. Only a two-thirds vote of each house of Congress in the future could undo that result.

“The sole article of impeachment adopted [again Trump] cited that provision of the Constitution and said Trump should be disqualified from holding future office.”


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