Daniel Xu’s Recent Presentation at the Midwest Political Science Association Conference

Daniel Xu presented his recent research results on rural health policy and chaired two panels on health policy and public health at Midwest Political Science Association Conference, April 14-18, 2021. His research presentation titled “Rural Health Policy: Views from Service Providers and Program Administrators” surveyed the physicians in North Carolina and administrators of state rural health programs across the country on their views on several aspects of rural health and rural health services, including rural health challenges, obstacles to the access to rural health services, effectiveness of current rural health programs, and policy initiatives to improve rural access to care. His study identified key obstacles to rural health and rural health services, but also found that views diverged significantly on obstacles to rural health services and effectiveness of policy initiatives but not as much as on the effectiveness on the existing rural health policies and programs. For future rural health policies and programs to be more effective, policymakers and program administrators should take into consideration these obstacles as well as these divergent views.

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