“News” from the satirical website, “The Onion”: Andrew Yang Developing New Fourth Party After Failing To Gain Support With Third Party

“News” from the satirical website, “The Onion”: Andrew Yang Developing New Fourth Party After Failing To Gain Support With Third Party

“RIVER VALE, NJ—Calling for an end to the partisan squabbling that had long held the nation hostage, politician and entrepreneur Andrew Yang told reporters Thursday that he was building a new fourth party after failing to gain traction with his recently founded Forward Party.

“This country is moving too far left, too far right, and too far forward, which is why I’m proud to announce the Breakthrough Party,” said the former presidential candidate, urging voters who were fed up with the Democratic Party, Republican Party, and Forward Party to join him in his new venture to return sanity to American politics in a way even his own third party had not.

“My experience founding the Forward Party over these past few weeks tells me we need a fourth way; a way that can make meaningful progress on issues Americans care about, rather than spouting platitudes like our three major parties. It’s time to live up to this country’s ideals. It’s time for a breakthrough.” At press time, Yang had announced immediate plans to sever ties with the Breakthrough Party and form a fifth unnamed party that would help cut through the noise of U.S. politics.”

From: https://www.theonion.com/andrew-yang-developing-new-fourth-party-after-failing-t-1847957168

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