Non-partisan Political Jokes

FYI: Don’t ever think it’s easy to find non-partisan jokes about politics! Enjoy…

I just saved a ton of money on my Christmas shopping by expressing my political views on facebook.

If Donald Trump runs for president in 2024 I’m leaving the country (not a political post – I just love to travel!)

Good thing I don’t see any political posts on my news feed
*In fact, my Myspace friends haven’t really posted much since 2010

I won first place in a political correctness competition the weekend…
*Though to be fair, so did everyone else

Why did the political theory class think their teacher was being unfair?
*He gave the whole class the same Marx

Among all the politically incorrect jokes on this sub, here’s my favorite:
*Benjamin Franklin was a great American President

You know the problem with political jokes?
*Sometimes they get elected

I told my friend that I never knew that Rage Against the Machine was so political, and that it really ruined the music for me.
*He looked at me deadpan and asked, “What machine did you think they were raging against, the dishwasher?

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