Yes, it’s true: “Post-Cold War Historicism: Perceptions, Progress, and Praxis” was just published in The International History Review.

Abstract: Post-Cold War literature was a historicist effort to remake the international order and prolong American hegemony. Major works by Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington describe a world of conflict and disorder while Francis Fukuyama and Thomas Friedman showed that the world was headed toward unstoppable progress. Some were critical of these efforts. John Mearsheimer, Michael Hardt, and Antonio Negri saw the world as a product of power, albeit from different ontological standpoints: the state versus unseen forces, respectively. The first section defines historicism and highlights how literature can be considered historicist, what Karl Popper would deem pseudoscientific. One goal of historicism is the transformation of the world to fit a specific vision. Antonio Gramsci refers to this as praxis. The second section will summarize the Post-Cold War literature and highlight historicism.

See: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07075332.2023.2250802?scroll=top&needAccess=true&role=tab

Yes, it’s true: “Post-Cold War Historicism: Perceptions, Progress, and Praxis” was just published in The International History Review.

Abstract: Post-Cold War literature was a historicist effort to remake the international order and prolong American hegemony. Major works by Bernard Lewis and Samuel Huntington describe a world of conflict and disorder while Francis Fukuyama and Thomas Friedman showed that the world was headed toward unstoppable progress. Some were critical of these efforts. John Mearsheimer, Michael Hardt, and Antonio Negri saw the world as a product of power, albeit from different ontological standpoints: the state versus unseen forces, respectively. The first section defines historicism and highlights how literature can be considered historicist, what Karl Popper would deem pseudoscientific. One goal of historicism is the transformation of the world to fit a specific vision. Antonio Gramsci refers to this as praxis. The second section will summarize the Post-Cold War literature and highlight historicism.

See: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/07075332.2023.2250802?scroll=top&needAccess=true&role=tab

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Fall Semester starts TODAY, Mon., Aug. 21.

You probably knew that, but you may not have known that the “Add/Drop” period officially ENDS THIS Friday, Aug. 25, at 5:00 pm.

This is the last day students can change their schedule.

If there’s a class you are either thinking about adding, dropping, or substituting, you must do it by Friday at 5:00pm.

Questions? Contact your adviser.

Important vector stamp isolated on white background


Hope you had a great break – the Fall Semester starts Mon., Aug. 21!

Just a reminder, the “Add/Drop” period officially ENDS on Friday, Aug. 25, at 5:00 pm. This is the last day students can change their schedule. So if there’s a class you are either thinking about adding, dropping, or substituting, you must do it by NEXT Friday at 5:00pm.

SPECIAL NOTE: If you have not already taken POLS 3031, please remember it MUST be taken in the fall – we don’t offer it in the spring – and, you need it to graduate!

POLS Majors: If you are graduating in December or May, or, think you might be able to, please take a moment and take a close look at your DegreeWorks record to make sure you have all the classes you need. I will be more than happy to help with that if you’d like. The point is that we want to make sure that, being so close, we don’t make any mistakes in getting you finished. Questions? Contact your adviser.

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