If you have not been paying attention, might be time to start!? In the past 8 days:
*An assassination attempt on one of the two major presidential candiates (and former president)
*The Rep. Party convention, which included the selection of the vice presidential candidate
*The incumbent president announced he would not be seeking a second term

Still to come: Will the path to the nomination be as smooth as people say it will for Kamala Harris? This is the first time since 1968 that a major party nomination will not have been effectively decided by primaries & caucuses. Who will she select as a running mate? She has about 2 weeks to vet and consider names, a process that typically take much longer? And what can we expect from her on the campaign trail? It’s a bit late in the game to start a presidential campaign, even if the machinery is largely in place.

Bottom line: This race has suddenly become must-see TV!

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