Constitutional Trivia: Grammar and the US Constitution

“Giving comfort to grammar errants [BTW, this may not be a word…] everywhere, the official copy of the Constitution contains an incorrect word—Article 1, Section 10 uses “it’s” when it should be “its,” even in 18th-century usage. However, the word “chuse” as used in the Constitution was acceptable at the time. So was the alternative spelling of Pennsylvania, Pensylvania; the Constitution actually uses both spellings.”


Dr. Baumgartner’s New Research on the Vice Presidency Published

Dr. Baumgartner’s article, “Public Support for Vice Presidential Reform,” was recently published online in Presidential Studies Quarterly.

The study “analysis explores public support for reforming both the selection of vice presidents and the institution itself. Survey data shows some evidence that those who favorably view the concepts of political moderation and bipartisanship support vice presidential reform, while partisans and ideologues (broadly defined) seem to oppose it. In addition, there is a negative association between job approval ratings for Vice President Mike Pence and support for vice presidential reform. The only demographic factor that was significant in the analysis was gender, with females more likely than males to support reform.”


Richlands NC Town Administrator and ECU MPA 97’ alum Gregg Whitehead Visits Dr. Xu’s Class

Dr. Xu recently invited Richlands, NC Town Administrator and ECU MPA 97’ alum Gregg Whitehead to his public budgeting and finance class. Whitehead gave students an overview of the budget, the budget preparation, and the budget process of his town. He also shared his experiences and key insights on how to be a successful local government chief administrator. Gregg also has an undergraduate degree in Political Science from Appalachia State and has been working in local government for over 27 years.

Dept. of PS Kudos! Student Facebook Post from Sunday, Oct. 2 (Lightly Edited for Grammar)

“Talk about a college vibe! 28 West, a local band [that] is led by Dr. Baumgartner, a professor in the ECU polisci department! This was the exact vibe I was hoping for when I decided to go here for college. Greenville never lets me down.”

The post was in reference to 28 West’s show Sat., Oct. 1, at Nash, in downtown Greenville.

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