New Course, Spring 2023!

The spring POLS 3007 Topics in IR/CP is titled ‘Diplomacy and International Negotiation.’

Students will examine international negotiation from a variety of perspectives before examining the importance of third-party mediation and conflict resolution processes. Students will play the role of diplomats as they attempt to negotiation the end to several existing conflicts occurring in the international system.

The course is offered by Dr. Olson Lounsbery, T/Th 11-12:15.

CONSIDERING A MASTER’S DEGREE? Get there FAST with these new ACCELERATED programs!

Track #1: Bachelor’s degree in Political Science to Master of Public Administration

Track #2: Bachelor’s degree in Multidisciplinary Studies, Security Studies to Master of Science in Security Studies

*Once admitted, you will be able to take up to 12 credit hours toward your master’s degree while completing your undergraduate program
*The 12 hours will count toward BOTH of your degrees
*Many careers in government now require you to have a master’s degree to be promoted beyond a certain level

*Be enrolled in one of the POLS undergraduate programs listed above
*Have completed at least 75 undergraduate semester hours
*Have a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
*Have earned a B or higher in POLS 2090

INTERESTED? Contact Alethia Cook, Brewster A-125 (, 252-328-5869)

Pirates to the Polls Event, Nov. 2

The Pirates to the Polls March is a Freedom of Speech event that has been created by the College Democrats, the College Republicans, and the NAACP. Our goal for this event is to encourage students, staff, and faculty to come together and march through campus to promote civic engagement by participating in the early voting period. Even if individuals have already voted, we still encourage and welcome you to come out and support your fellow pirates. In addition to promoting civic engagement, we hope to create unity on our campus by bringing students from all backgrounds and experiences together. The march will occur on November 2nd at 2 pm on College Hill. From there, we will walk down the hill, across 10th st, and through central campus until we reach the Main Campus Student Center where participants will be able to vote.

Even if you’ve already voted, we would still love to see people come out!

We’ll start on top of College Hill, walk down 10th street, between SciTech and Bate, toward the Cupola, and down to the MCSC commons where individuals can vote. As we are marching, members will be guided, and the directions will be given by those holding our banner.


Early registration – for special categories – begins Friday, Nov. 4.

When you register depends on the number of credit hours completed PRIOR to this semester: The number of COMPLETED HOURS, as of SEPTEMBER, 2022.

One can find this number this by checking DegreeWorks. The number is the “overall credits,” listed below your minor (in the right hand column, at the top). Do NOT use the “credits applied” – this number includes the classes one is currently enrolled in.

YOU SHOULD familiarize themselves with your DegreeWorks audit record. This PDF document might be helpful:

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