The Constitution was “penned” by Jacob Shallus, A Pennsylvania General Assembly clerk, for $30 ($1,027 today).
Jody Baumgartner
The following classes are being offered in the 2nd 8-week block this fall.
*MATH1050, “Explorations in Mathematics”
*POLS1010, “National Government”
*PHIL1175, “Introduction to Ethics”
*ANTH2010, “Societies Around the World”
*GLST2680, “Fairy Tales”
*GLST1000, “Introduction to Global Studies”
*ANTH1000, “Introduction to Anthropology”
*ANTH2010, “Societies Around the World”
*RELI1000, “Intro to Religious Studies”
*ANTH2015, “Intro Biological Anthropology”
*RELI1690, “World Religions”
*PHIL2275, “Professional Ethics”
*BIOL2015, “Intro Biological Anthropology”
*GEOG1250, “Water in the Environment”
*HIST1030, “World Civilizations to 1500”
*ECON2113, “Principles of Microeconomics”
See your adviser with any questions.
PRESIDENTIAL TRIVIA: Who was the first and only U.S. president to serve non-consecutive terms?
Grover Cleveland (1837-1908), 22nd and 24th President. Between terms, Cleveland moved back to New York City, worked at a law firm, and his wife gave birth to their famous first daughter, Baby Ruth.
STUDENT RESOURCES: The Pirate Academic Success Center
Located on the second floor (2300 suite) of the Old Cafeteria Complex, the Pirate Academic Success Center offers free tutoring, study groups, academic skills coaching, peer academic success coaching, and learning communities for ECU enrolled students. Book online at, call 252-737-3009, or email to contact PASC staff or make an appointment.
ELECTION DAY IS TUES., NOV. 5: Are you registered to vote?
For more info, see Pitt Country Board of Elections page: