Panopto for Students

Every ECU student that is assigned to an active course within Canvas has access to Panopto.  Students will need to use their ECU login credentials.  Depending on the class assignment you might have students upload recordings from another source or use the Panopto Desktop Capturer to create a recording.  Students can share their recordings in different ways and it is recommended that you contact your ITC for the best procedure for your class.

You can create a video-only on-demand presentation by uploading a media file.  Please note if are creating a video make sure you record horizontal and at 30 fps and under 1920×1080 which will make uploading more efficient.  (You can edit your video and change the file size)

Once your recording is complete and viewable you will use the feature “Copy to” on the right of your screen, after clicking Copy to located your course folder and click Start Copying.

If you have created a voice-over PowerPoint you must save as a video file in order to upload the presentation, instructions can by clicking this link Saving a ppt to upload

Panopto Student

Panopto at ECU

Installing Mediasite Desktop Recorder on Windows

Installing Panopto for Mac

How to Record your Desktop

How to Upload an Existing Video – Learn how to upload an existing video from your computer into Panopto.

Mediasite Desktop Recorder Upload files Mobile – handout how to upload from a mobile device (must be on a reliable wireless connection)

Upload video file7.2.2_10.29 (handout) Instructions to upload a file and then use the Copy to Command so you can copy your recording/upload to a folder that your instructor can access, remember to make your recording Viewable!

COPYto 7.2– (handout) Instructions on using the Copy to Command to a folder that your instructor can access, remember to make your recording Viewable!

Download portable presentations – handout on downloading Publish to Go, Vodcasts and/or Podcasts.

Students’ tips on uploading videos (Matt & Eric)

17 thoughts on “Panopto for Students”

  1. The COHE 6803 students have used Tegrity in the past for their presentation recordings, and I would like for them to use MDR in the fall as Tegrity will no longer be available.

  2. I created a presentation entitled COHE 6510_Sobolowski_Team 2. I am not sure my instructor can see it. Can you tell me how I know that?
    I did make the presentation viewable.

    • I moved the recording to this spring’s folder and if you go to Blackboard and click on Mediasite Lectures, Student Recordings you will see it.

  3. Hi Jean,

    I am trying to record a presentation, but I am getting an error saying that my profile is not registered. I activated my account but I am still getting the error.

  4. Hello Jean,

    I recorded my COHE 6803 presentation on medisite using MDR, but cant figure out how to move it to blackboard student presentation. Can you tell me how to do that? My Presentation name is “Pinal Depani COHE 6803 Internship Presentation. Thank you

  5. Good afternoon,

    About 2 years ago for another class, I had to do a Mediasite Recording and upload it. The tips that Matt and Eric gave were very helpful. However, I just noticed that the link for their tips has been deactivated. Do you think it would be available again for view or is it no longer relevant to the latest version of Mediasite? I’m trying to record a presentation and because I do not do this all of the time, I’m a little bit lost.

    Thanks for your help!


  6. I am trying to record a presentation, but I am getting an error saying that my profile is not registered. I activated my account but I am still getting the error. This has been a problem since last semester. I wasn’t able to upload my presentation.

  7. Hi,
    I have downloaded, I can record, but it says my profile is not registered and will not upload anything I record. Oddly, the question I posted last night is also missing from here.


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