Panopto Desktop Recorder (PDR)

Panopto Desktop Recorder (PDR).  PDR gives users the ability to record, upload, manage and publish content.  PDR is a great complement for faculty already using Panopto in the classroom.  Now you can easily record content to “flip your classroom”, capture test reviews, explain assignment instructions, demonstrate software, record micro-lectures and more.  PDR  records your desktop activity, audio, and web-cam video, (which is optional if you’re camera shy)..

Click here to access training videos

My Mediasite Desktop Recorder 7.2– handout

Mediasite Mosaic – the new desktop recorder for Macs and PC’s

Link to My Mediasite

MDR_QUICK – download and install MDR handout

BestPractices – handout

BestPractices_Part2_Content_Creation – handout

Media Consent Form

Embedding Mediasite – handout

Publish Recorded Presentation – Recording Stuck in Record Mode handout

Upload video file7. – handout on how to upload a video and then copy to folder

Speed and Troubleshoot

Schedule Actions

Quick Steps to Record

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