What’s Happening?

Using Calendar Systems for Learners with DeafBlindness Does anybody really know what time it is? Does anybody really care? Of course, we do! We all like to know when 5 o’clock hits on a Friday afternoon! We may not be as happy to see the time slip away at the end of a great weekend … Read more

Supporting Social Interactions for Learners with DeafBlindness: Planning Ahead

Being included in social situations is vitally important to increasing social and communication skills for learners with DeafBlindness. It’s important to differentiate between being present and being involved in social situations and to recognize the level of involvement. Do they have a role that is valued within the social setting? Do other members value them … Read more

Creating Experience Books for Older Students

We all like to revisit experiences we’ve had and share those memories with others. Experience books provide the chance to revisit and review life events, which in turn creates communication and literacy learning opportunities. The great thing about these books is that you can write them yourself based on the student’s interests and life experiences. … Read more

Abilities or Disabilities: What Do You See?

As teachers and support staff, how do you describe your students with DeafBlindness to other professionals? Do you tend to focus on their abilities or their disabilities? We have all likely heard the idea of using ‘people first’ language but do we also think and speak in ‘ability first’ language?  It’s important to take into … Read more