What is ECU TSP?

Chances are, if you are reading this, you serve students who have combined vision and hearing loss and you’re searching for answers. Many times, those questions include: There is an old saying that if you’ve met one student with deaf-blindness then you’ve met one student with deaf-blindness. Each student is unique and requires very individualized … Read more

What is Active Learning?

“Busy board by Linearahandmade.etsy.com” by LinearaHandMade is marked with CC BY 2.0. Many people in the field of DeafBlindness have heard the term “active learning”. They may also have heard of some of the materials developed and used by Lilli Nielson such as a “little room” or a resonance board. As a teacher in Early … Read more

Supporting Social Interactions for Learners with DeafBlindness: Planning Ahead

Being included in social situations is vitally important to increasing social and communication skills for learners with DeafBlindness. It’s important to differentiate between being present and being involved in social situations and to recognize the level of involvement. Do they have a role that is valued within the social setting? Do other members value them … Read more

Collaboration: Working Together to Support Learners with DeafBlindness

Collaboration. It simply means we are better together. So many things are more effective and successful when they are done with individuals who work together, share ideas, and get the job done. Together Everyone Achieves More, it’s the TEAM approach. When school/home environments create a team to support learners with DeafBlindness, the learner can accomplish … Read more

Supporting Social Interactions for Learners with DeafBlindness: Planning Ahead

Being included in social situations is vitally important to increasing social and communication skills for learners with DeafBlindness. It’s important to differentiate between being present and being involved in social situations and to recognize the level of involvement. Do they have a role that is valued within the social setting? Do other members value them … Read more