ECU TSP Spotlight: Ms. Lottie

Ms. Lottie ~ Nash County Public Schools

 There is nothing that impacts the life of a student with deaf-blindness more than a dedicated para-educator. Ms. Lottie is one of those individuals! Ms. Lottie has worked in the Nash County Public School system for the past 12 years, providing one-on-one/Intervener support to a student with deaf-blindness. As a para-educator for a student with deaf-blindness, Ms. Lottie is one of the most dedicated and devoted para-educators I have ever known. I had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Lottie for our ECU Teacher Support Program spotlight! Check out the information she shared with us.

     1. Tell us what you do in Nash County Public Schools.

I accompany a deaf-blind child and try to create a safe, trustful learning environment. I help her with her assignments, personal needs, interaction with peers and support her in learning her environment.  I provide her access to information and communication. 

     2. How did you get started working with a student with deaf-blindness?  

I started working with her through a company, Learning Perspective, and her mom.  I started working with her in her home when she was about 10 months old.

     3. Tell us about your student with deaf-blindness.

She is very intelligent.  She has great potential; she just needs someone to help direct her.  She has a friendly personality, and no one remains a stranger for long.  She is very welcoming of people and loves to listen to conversations and wants you to converse with her.

     4. Describe your relationship with your student with deaf-blindness.

I have a bond with her, and we feed off each other’s energy.  She knows when I feel bad or sad and I know when she is the same. We lift each other up. We are like family.

     5. What specific things do you do to support your student in school?

I help with feeding at breakfast and lunch, assisting with personal care, supporting her in academic assignments, guiding her in her school environment, such as going to the gym and library. I assist in her participation in school-wide activities.

      6. What is the greatest part of your job?

I enjoy seeing her happy and in good spirits and knowing her needs are being met.  We love to snuggle and spend time together.  I love her beautiful smile.

     7. What has been your greatest reward working with your student?

She started wearing her cochlear implant again and her communication skills improved.

     8. What else would you want us to know about your work with a student with deaf-blindness.

It is challenging but very rewarding.  Each day is never the same.  A student with deaf/blindness needs a routine and a healthy/ safe environment to thrive. 

Thank you, Ms. Lottie, for the huge impact you are making on this student. You are amazing! Your commitment to making sure your student has every opportunity to succeed does not go unnoticed!

Do you know a superior educator we should spotlight in our blog? If so, please contact us. We want to share great things being done in the field of deaf-blindness.

~ Andrea Blackwood

4 thoughts on “ECU TSP Spotlight: Ms. Lottie”

  1. Mrs. Lottie and her student are both a remarkable team. Mrs. Lottie guides and leads the student, yet provides enough opportunities for the student to advocate for herself, which is a evident of growth and maturity.

  2. My daughter and I met Mrs.Lottie when my daughter started Pre-K and now she’s in high school. My daughter is also special needs so often times Mrs.Lottie a land her client were on the same classes. Mrs. Lottie is a God send and her client is soooo lucky to have had her for so long and I bet Mrs.Lottie also feel lucky for being apart of her life for so long! No one deserves this more than you! Your so dedicated to your client and it shows! Congratulations on your recognition!

  3. I know Miss Lottie and her client personally. Because I have known Miss Lottie all my life I could say a lot of the same things. So, what I will say is everything that has been said in the article and in the comments is, “The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me God.” Plus she’s been mighty good to me also. Always putting others first. Congratulations Miss Lottie. As the songwriter said, “You deserve it!”

  4. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mrs. Lottie and Faith for about 5 years. The bond that they share is totally awesome! They are so blessed to have each other!


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