DB Spotlight: Colleen Hickey

Colleen Hickey is a dedicated teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing at Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools. Colleen earned a dual certificate for early childhood education and deaf education from Bloomsburg University in Pennsylvania. She successfully completed the DeafBlind graduate certificate program through ECU last year. She has been working with an ECU Teacher Support Program technical assistance consultant with her student with deafblindness since 2019.

Check out our Q & A Session with Colleen!

1. Tell us what you do in Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools.

Colleen:  I am the teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing for the district. I am itinerant and work with students in preschool through 12th grade.

2. How did you get started working with a student with DeafBlindness?

Colleen:  I began working with students with DeafBlindness when I came to the district. I had two students who are DeafBlind on my caseload and now have four. I then went to ECU and completed the graduate certificate in DeafBlindness. Go Pirates!

3. Tell us about your student with DeafBlindness.

Colleen:  I work with multiple students with DeafBlindness ranging from preschool to high school. Each student is unique, communicating in different ways and having their own special personality. One of my students has a profound hearing loss and is also completely blind. She loves sitting with her family and teachers and any toy that vibrates. She is also beginning to enjoy some tactile books!

4. Describe your relationship with your student with DeafBlindness.

Colleen:  With this student, I use a name cue. I allow her to feel my bracelet to know that I am there and when I leave. I think that she knows it is me, relaxes, and sometimes will pull my hand to her face. I love that we have grown to this stage of recognition and her beginning to identify different people who she interacts with.

5. What specific things do you do to support your student in school?

Colleen:  I am so lucky that my student is on such a fantastic team. We really take a multidisciplinary approach and make sure we are doing what is best for our student. Having each of us, with our own expertise, come together to support our student really helps them grow. We work together to develop her goals, share data, and learn from each other.

6. What is the greatest part of your job?

Colleen:  The best part of my job is the kids! Each one is so special and I have loved getting to see them grow over my years in the district. I can’t wait to continue working with each of them.

7. What has been your greatest reward working with your student?

Colleen:  The greatest reward is seeing the growth that my student makes. Some days it may not seem like much, but even the smallest step forward will help her get closer to her goal.

8. What else would you want us to know about your work with a student with DeafBlindness.

Colleen:  Every student is different and unique. Use what you and your colleagues know and don’t be afraid to reach out for support. The ECU Teacher Support Program has been so helpful to us providing us with resources, materials, and coaching.

Congratulations to Colleen Hickey! Thanks for all you do!!

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