Experience Books: Summer Senses

With summertime upon us, we can enjoy so many wonderful experiences that occur during the season. I love the sound of lawnmowers and the smell of freshly cut lawns. I love the feel of the dirt as I plant flowers except, of course when meeting up with fire ants that have invaded the flower pots. … Read more

DB Spotlight: Krystal Cooper, Nationally Certified Intervener

Krystal Cooper has been working with DeafBlind students for 16 years. She decided to pursue DeafBlind intervener national certification because it would open job opportunities for her. During the process, she enjoyed taking pictures and videos of her students and creating portfolio artifacts. The portfolio gave her an inside look at the impact an intervener … Read more

Let’s Talk About Communication

Many of us have played the game of Charades. It’s when a person acts out words or phrases and players have to guess what the person is trying to communicate. The person is not allowed to use verbal communication to give hints to the players. The participants must determine the word or phrase based on … Read more

Intervener Cohort Training Opportunity

The East Carolina University Teacher Support Program (ECU TSP) is reaching out to individuals working directly with learners with DeafBlindness in intervener or instructional assistant positions to join the latest Intervener Cohort.  Cohort members will complete select Open Hands, Open Access (OHOA) DeafBlind Intervener online training modules to refine their work supporting learners with DeafBlindness. … Read more

ECU MAST Modules: A Great Learning Opportunity

Looking for additional training opportunities? Check out the East Carolina University Modules Addressing Special Education and Teacher Education (MAST). These modules focus on important topics in special education courses and professional development for teachers. There is even a section geared toward teaching learners with DeafBlindness. All topic areas have been formatted in brief modules which … Read more

Experience Books: Summer Senses

  With summertime upon us, we can enjoy so many wonderful experiences that occur during the season. I love the sound of lawnmowers and the smell of freshly cut lawns. I love the feel of the dirt as I plant flowers except, of course when meeting up with fire ants that have invaded the flower … Read more