Behavior is Communication

Every action has a reaction. Just imagine that you really wanted a drink of water but were not able to communicate your needs to anyone. So frustrating! Imagine if you had a headache and were not able to describe how you were feeling.  Or what if you were having a bad day and weren’t able … Read more

Positive Touch for Communication

Dr. Michelle Handley The post Positive Touch from October 6, 2022, defines the two major ways we process touch, discriminative and social/emotional, and briefly mentions the importance of using hand-under-hand when working with students. This article will expand on that information by describing how to use touch appropriately to engage in communication with a child … Read more

CVI for Babies: Information from a Conference with Anne McComiskey

Anyone working with children with complex medical issues and/or DeafBlindness will have encountered children with the diagnosis of Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment (CVI). CVI is a brain based visual impairment which requires different approaches and strategies than other non-brain based visual impairments. Chris Russell has provided us with a handy Fact Sheet on CVI that covers … Read more