How Interesting! Using High Interest/Low Vocabulary Books to Teach Concepts

How Interesting! Using High Interest/Low Vocabulary Books to Teach Concepts What are your favorite genres to read? Do you prefer historical themes, biographies, science fiction, fiction or informational texts? Anything related to history is my favorite.  To tell you the truth, if I were required to read a science fiction story, I could read a … Read more

Personal Passports

  Parents of children with combined vision and hearing loss have to spend a lot of time explaining their children to new caregivers and teachers as well as to those in the medical field. They have to explain what their child’s likes and dislikes are, what they can eat and how they communicate etc. over … Read more

ECU TSP Spotlight: Ms. Lottie

Ms. Lottie ~ Nash County Public Schools  There is nothing that impacts the life of a student with deaf-blindness more than a dedicated para-educator. Ms. Lottie is one of those individuals! Ms. Lottie has worked in the Nash County Public School system for the past 12 years, providing one-on-one/Intervener support to a student with deaf-blindness. … Read more

Know Your Learner

Spending an evening painting on canvas is a favorite of mine. I’m not a naturally skilled artist so before the painting begins, planning must occur.  I know my skills and limitations, therefore making a beautiful landscape like Bob Ross with the swish of a brush is not something I can do. It’s more defined as … Read more

What is ECU TSP?

  Chances are, if you are reading this, you serve students who have combined vision and hearing loss and you’re searching for answers.   Many times, those questions include:   How can I guide my student with combined hearing and vision loss to use receptive and expressive modes of communication?   Where can I turn … Read more