Water Wednesday with In-Situ Environmental

On November 3rd, 2021, the Water Resources Center teamed up with In-Situ Environmental for Water Wednesday. In-Situ is a global company with headquarters based in Fort Collins, Co., and is involved in designing and making environmental and process monitoring equipment. This Wednesday a team from In-Situ came out to Greenville, NC to showcase some of their latest instruments for measuring water quality and water levels. This gave students from East Carolina University the perfect opportunity to not only network with industry professionals but the chance to learn about different instrumentation used in the environmental sciences field. Students also had the opportunity to get some hands-on experience by testing out multiparameter sondes used to measure water quality in the Towns Creek Culvert. Read more about the Towns Creek Project and ongoing water quality management with natural solutions here.

If you’re a student interested in the environmental sciences and working with water resources, check out our website and follow our social media pages for more information on our next Water Wednesday.

Biology grad student Kaitlin and WRCs John Hoben discuss a viewlink and water level data logger setup with Kerry Caslow and Brad Kingsmore from In-Situ.
Heading down to the Town Creek to test some of the instruments.
ICS PhD student Allyson Ropp and Water Corps student Owen Bergquist test out a mutliparameter sonde.

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