Banner/ODS Hardware Turn Go-live – Week ahead preview information

As we prepare for the Banner/ODS hardware turn, starting Friday 9/10 at COB and continuing thru the weekend, below is a preview of this weeks’ activities, expectations and important meetings, as well as the high-level go-live weekend plan.  Eric Houston will be sending out the Teams link for the technical support teams to be used for the duration of the go-live.  Matt Powell will be sending out another downtime announcement this week.


  • Complete pre-configuration of new production hardware (by Thursday COB)
  • Final migration of all code changes from Apollo to Scorpions (by Wednesday COB)
  • Continued freeze on ODS changes
  • Freeze on Banner code changes (this does NOT include production Grants)
  • Freeze on all project work requiring DBA support not directly related to the Banner/ODS go-live (includes any Banner/ODS new development)
  • Banner / ODS system admins – complete review of go-live plans  (these are stored with the project info, Eric Houston is the contact)
  • 9/8 – Final Banner/ODS Hardware turn planning meeting
  • 9/9 – Banner Change Management Meeting (focus of meeting will be final review of go-live schedule + Q&A)


This is the current go-live schedule, please note that start of work on Friday can’t begin until the Payroll processing has fully completed.  Also note the dates and times when various support staff are expected to be available.  The meeting invite for Functional User system checkout on 9/12 is below as well.


Date Primary Resource Suppport Staff Start Time End Time
8/26/2021 Downtime Announcement Matt Powell
8/30/2021 ODS Changes Freeze
9/7/2021 Banner Changes Freeze
9/10/2021 Banner DB Cutover DBA Systems / Networking 5:00 PM 6:00 AM Awaiting Green light from Scott Stubbings
ODS DB Cutover DBA Systems / Networking 5:00 PM 6:00 AM
Job Sub Server Cutover DBA Systems / Networking 5:00 PM 6:00 AM
GoldenGate Deployment DBA Systems / Networking 5:00 PM 6:00 AM
DataGuard DB Deployment DBA Systems / Networking 5:00 PM 6:00 AM
9/11/2021 3rd Party Software Config System Admins DBA / Systems / Networking 7:00 AM 1:00 PM
3rd Party Software Checkout System Admins DBA / Systems / Networking 7:00 AM 8:00 PM
No Failback 7:00 AM
9/12/2021 System Checkout Functional Users System Admins / DBA / Systems / Networking 7:00 AM noon
9/14/2021 Banner/ODS Changes Unfreeze



For Functional User System Checkout on 9/12:

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