Evisions Test updated – September 28, 2021

The Evisions Test server Chewbacca MAPS software was updated to version

Below are the details of the update that are fixed and new enhancements that have been added. If you have any questions please email me at mcneill@ecu.edu or submit a ticket to https://ecu.teamdynamix.com/TDClient/1409/Portal/Requests/ServiceDet?ID=12117.

Resolved Issues

Area Description Issue Number
64-bit Users authenticating with OAuth2 in 64-bit MAPS Config REST Connector, with HTTPS On Callback set as True were experiencing an access violation. MAPS-2979
Data Warehouse Short date formats that begin with Day or Year were producing invalid date errors during Data Warehouse migration. MAPS-1820
LDAP Searching for LDAP users with TLS enabled was causing the MAPS Configuration Tool to become unresponsive and crash. MAPS-872
Records Some associated records of users that were deleted in MAPS were not being concurrently deleted from the mapplets. MAPS-3155
REST Data Connections Authenticating with OAuth2 to a REST data source, with Firefox set as the default browser, resulted in an error that blocked users from retrieving API access tokens. MAPS-2515


Area Description Issue number
DORIS Data Connections Added the Evisions DORIS data connection type to MAPS Config. MAPS-3063
DORIS Data Connections Added a “Learn More” button to the Add Data Connection dialog for users selecting Evisions DORIS. MAPS-3069
eLauncher The Web Viewer and eLauncher no longer continuously checks to see if the user has logged in to another browser tab while logged out. MAPS-3051
Log Files Added a Stack Trace dump to the log files for improved access violation troubleshooting. MAPS-2513
Log Files Removed the Trace tag from the All logging string in order to improve logging stability. MAPS-2512
Log Files IP addresses of connections using a network proxy will now display the client’s IP address in the log files and Inspector, with the proxy address appearing in parenthesis. MAPS-3141
Printers Updated the workflow for adding and editing printers in MAPS Config. MAPS-3005
Product Updater The Check For Updates window now includes new notifications when additional updates are recommended or required. MAPS-2991

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