Briefs – Third Party Software Update – Evisions

The Evisions MAPS software was updated to version 6.8 on the Evisions test server. The following enhancements for MAPS 6.8 are as follows:

Configuration – Added an idle timeout for application sessions.

Configuration – Updated the MAPS Database Configuration utility to support MAPS 6.8.

REST Data Connections – Added the Grant Type field and grant type “client_credentials” to the Driver Properties tab in the Edit Data Connection dialog for REST connections using OAuth2.

The following issues were resolved with the MAPS 6.8 update:

Database – Launching an application in a clustered MAPS environment was resulting in failed authentication and an invalid security token error message.

eLauncher – Applications in clustered environments were sometimes failing to download.

REST Data Connections – Selecting the properties window while a REST connection using OAuth2 was authenticating caused the abort authentication dialog to become hidden.

If you have questions about Evisions, please put in a ticket for more information or

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