Evisions has released version 6.8.1 of its MAPS software.

Enhancements in MAPS 6.8.1

API – Added API token support for MAPRAPI

Configuration – Updated the MAPS Database Configuration utility to support Argos Mapplet 6.8.1

SAML – Added a new check box in MAPS Config for SAML servers allowing local MAPS/LDAP users to synchronize security, permissions, and other resources for the current session by means of matching a SAML NameID with a local MAPS username, on top of all customary accumulations made by authenticating as a Group user

Issues resolved in MAPS 6.8.1

EAL – Applications launched from the Evisions Application Launcher were creating multiple connections to MAPS due to cookies being chained together

eLauncher – Changing a password from, or canceling out of the Change Password section of the eLauncher was causing an incorrect header title to appear

LDAP – Misconfiguration of certain LDAP user information was resulting in JSON errors in the eLauncher and Web Viewer

REST Data Connections – REST endpoints utilizing a variable in the endpoint URL were sometimes failing to return data

REST Data Connections – REST Connector queries containing WHERE clauses that had failed were still attempting to return data

SAML – User names were appearing as “User” when NameID was missing from the SAML response

Any questions email Leo McNeil at MCNEILL@ECU.EDU.

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