Announcement – Xtender Update Complete – December 5, 2022

Sunday, December 4, 2022 – Xtender Update Completed!

The Xtender upgrade to version 20.4 is complete in the production environment. I will send a targeted email to all Xtender users, but your help in sharing the information below Monday morning is appreciated.

Important notes about the upgrade:

  1. Clearing web browser cache is a good first step before logging in. We’ve seen issues where meta data is not being displayed and clearing the browser cache resolves this. For help clearing cache, this URL has detailed instructions:
  2. We have seen issues with Chrome. If you encounter problems please switch to Firefox (after clearing the cache).
  3. We DO NOT recommend Internet Explorer. If you are using IE, this is a good time to switch to Firefox.

If you are still having issues and need support, please submit a TD ticket to the Xtender queue:



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