Announcement – Emergency PBAN and ODSPRD Downtime – August 15, 2024

Saturday August 17, 2024 – There has been a critical hardware failure on the chassis that supports Banner and ODS Production databases. In consultation with ITCS leadership, and in order to avoid affecting Banner processes that need to run the day before classes start, the emergency maintenance required to fix the hardware problem will be conducted on Saturday morning, August 17, from 6:00am – 9:00am.

During this maintenance, all Banner and ODS systems will be offline, including Banner Admin, Self Service Banner, Pirate Port, and other dependencies. We will be sending out a campus-wide notification soon with the list of affected systems.

We understand that this will inevitably affect some processes that run on Saturday, but the maintenance is required to avoid a potentially more catastrophic failure that would result in an extended Banner or ODS downtime.

If you feel strongly that the 3-hour downtime on Saturday would affect a critical system that cannot endure 3 hours unavailability, then please contact the ITCS leaders below:

Doug Stanley:
Scotty Stroup:
Robert Ables:

We apologize for any inconvenience, and assure you that if we could avoid this outage at this time, we certainly would. Thanks.

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