Addendum: Banner Objects – Naming Conventions and what they mean – Part 4

The final addendum for Banner Object Naming Conventions. The last three or four letters of a Banner name also convey certain meanings. Here we list the all the different variations for reports. We start with the first, second and three letters. The remaining three letters are listed at the end of the column. Position 4,5,6,7 : Uniquely identify the forms, report, job, or table.

S – StudentS – StudentS – Student
P – PersonH – Grades/Acad.HistT – Validation Form/Table
A – ApplicationR – ReportV – Validation Form/Table
IDENIdentificationROLLGrade RollSTATState/Prov. Code
 Final List of endings  
SCA – History SHA – Student Acad. History 
SSA – Individual CRN InfoSIA – Faculty Info 
SAA – Admission  
SGA – General Student Info  
SFA – Registration Info

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