Note Bid Threshold increase from $5000 to $25,000 on 3/1/2022.

Spring is here and it’s not too early to start planning your last minute purchases.  With your help, we hope that we can have a successful and smooth close to this fiscal year-end.  With the uncertainty of equipment delivery MM recommends that all departments plan accordingly and have the requisitions generated in PORT in a timely manner.  Below are a few helpful guidelines and dates to assist with a successful year-end:

Last check run of the year for State Funded Orders

Last day to process ECU Medical Storeroom orders via PORT

Purchasing / request under $5,000.00

For quick small purchases, the University ProCard is the preferred method.  All purchasing and funding rules still apply.  

Purchasing Guide – https://purchasing.ecu.edu/purchasing/

Technology Purchases –  Please insure that the Technology Request Forms are used when making a Technology Purchase via PORT or Pro-Card.

University Storeroom Purchases –Last Storeroom order date is Monday, June 27, 2021 (5:00pm).

Medical Storeroom requisitions will be processed through Monday, June 27, 2021 (5:00pm).  Storeroom requisitions received after that day will be filled and delivered as usual but will be billed and processed to the 2022/2023 fiscal year.   

Purchasing/Submitting requests in PORT

Please, contact us ASAP if you are expecting ANY purchases over $25,000.  Purchases that will require the bid process can take at least 30 days.  In order to ensure that you receive your goods in time to complete receiving and to pay the supplier by fiscal year-end, it’s imperative you speak with a purchasing specialist in Materials Management about your purchase even if it’s only tentative. Please visit our https://purchasing.ecu.edu/purchasing/to assist you in your planning.  

Processing year-end expenditures does not justify circumventing University purchasing policies. Do not make purchases on your own and submit them as a confirming orders do not send as this may result in unnecessary audit exceptions.

Receiving items in PORT – Last possible date to enter receiving in PORT will be Friday, June 24, 2022.  If you wait until that date, there is a very good chance your invoice may not get paid against the current fiscal year. If you have items that will not be received in current fiscal year you need to notify Materials Management. Materials Management does not cancel purchase orders due to non-delivery by June 24th.

Invoices/Accounts Payable – Last check run of the year is scheduled for Monday, June 27, 2021.

Accounts Payable has asked us to remind you of the importance of completing the receiving process in PORT and submitting travel reimbursements as soon as received. PLEASE NOTE THE IMPORTANCE OF COMPLETING YOUR RECEIVING IN PORT IN A TIMELY MANNER, BUT BE REMINDED THAT RECEIVING CAN ONLY BE COMPLETED AFTER THE GOODS OR SERVICES HAVE ACTUALLY BEEN DELIVERED. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CANNOT PAY INVOICES UNTIL THIS STEP HAS BEEN COMPLETED. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE IS REQUESTING THAT ALL RECEIVING BE COMPLETED AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. Encumbrances not paid this year will be charged against your FY 2021/2022 budget. lease keep in mind that these dates are tentative and are subject to change.  We will send new notices regarding any updates. 

If you have questions regarding year-end processing, please contact Materials Management at 328-6434 for purchasing questions, or Accounts Payable at 737-1079 for payment questions.

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