Announcement – Reminder! 15-character ECU password requirement begins Monday, September 25 – September 22, 2023

Monday, Septmeber 25, 2023 – ITCS is implementing regarding your PirateID passwords. Password changes that occur on or after Monday, September 25, will require a 15-character minimum password with an annual password expiration. Increasing the minimum password length to 15 characters ensures future compliance with the many evolving regulatory guidelines applicable to our university and reduces the risk of password cracking. Because of this change, passwords will no longer be required to change every 90 days as we move to an annual password expiration.

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the new password requirement?
Your password must be at least 15 characters and contain 3 of these 4 character classes:
• Numeral
• Upper case letter
• Lower case letter
• Special character (e.g., !, @, #, *, ?)
When will I be required to change my password?
You will be required to change your password based on your current password expiration date. Any password changes that happen on or after September 25, 2023, will require the new 15-character password. Once your password is changed the first time on or after September 25, you will be required to change your password on an annual basis.
How often will I have to change my password?
Once your password is changed the first time on or after September 25, 2023, you will be required to change your password on an annual basis.
Where do I change my passphrase?
You will continue to change your passphrase using the same tools as before. Passwords can be changed at the website. For ECU-managed Macs, continue to change your password locally (on your computer).
If you require assistance with changing your password, please contact the IT Service Desk at 252-328-9866, or email

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