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Insecticide Susceptibility Testing for Aedes albopictus Mosquitoes

This week, graduate and undergraduate Environmental Health students started performing CDC bottle bioassays to examine insecticide susceptibility/ resistance in several populations of Aedes albopictus from different regions of North Carolina (NC).  The mosquitoes will be tested against 8 active ingredients and 8 formulated products.  This research project is led by Dr. Stephanie Richards as principal investigator and is funded by the NC Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).

ECU Environmental Health lab personnel, Avian White (left), demonstrating how to perform the CDC bottle bioassay, September 15, 2017.


Pesticide-coated glass bottles being observed for mosquito knockdown during the CDC bottle bioassay, September 15, 2017.


MS Environmental Health student, Heidi Knecht, placing bottles with mosquitoes in the freezer, September 15, 2017.


BS Environmental Health student, Kong Lee, preparing sugar balls for the feeding of adult mosquitoes, September 15, 2017.