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Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) Week 2022 Proclaimed by NC Governor

Governor Cooper has proclaimed September 26 – October 2, 2022, as Registered Environmental Health Specialist Week in North Carolina (see proclamation below). The proclamation stated the importance of the Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS) profession in protecting the public’s health and safety and in improving the quality of lives in our communities.  The specific work of the REHS in food safety, facility sanitation, wastewater disposal, safe drinking water, lead poisoning prevention, infectious agents, and emergency preparedness and response was also mentioned.

The REHS week is recognized in conjunction with the celebration of World Environmental Health Day. There are thousands of North Carolina REHSs working around the clock inspecting restaurants, child care centers and public swimming pools, evaluating sites for on-site wastewater treatment, siting/inspecting wells, conducting lead-based paint inspections, responding to outbreaks, conducting trainings, and more. It is a great honor for NC REHSs to be recognized by the Governor.