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BS Environmental Health Student Internships 2023

The broad field of environmental health brings our BS Environmental Health (BSEH) students to various places to obtain their internship experiences, which are required to complete their BSEH degree. Here are some information about our BSEH students and their internship:

Adriana Cowell

Internship: Blue Ridge Health District through the NEHA National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP)

What did you learn about the working at a local or state health department?

“I learned a lot about the structure and workings of a health department. I learned how to be an intergranular part of a team. I also learned how to share ideas and assist other members of the team. “

What did you learn about the environmental health field?

“I expanded on a lot of information I already had learned in Environmental Health classes, and I also learned a lot of new information. I took the EATS training through the CDC and I also took a Food Code class through the FDA. This opened up  a lot of new information for me as I had not had much exposure to the federal laws.”

Emma Rush

Internship: Wake County Public Swimming Pools and Spas Internship

Role: Swimming Pool Technician – inspects public swimming pools, spas and wading pools using chemical test kits to perform testing of chlorine and pH levels; maintains complete and accurate records of activities by Certified Pool Operators by inspecting daily records kept at the facility; determines violations through inspections that could adversely affect public health and safety; suspends permits for violations per local rules and regulations; performs checklist and physical inspections of all listed items on Wake County Swimming Pool Inspection Form; conducts face-to-face meetings with operators; and investigates complaints of swimming pools

Noah Roberson

Internship: Dewberry Engineers, Virginia


  • Reformatted/revised 84 company-wide Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for the Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Program
  • Designed a future consumer space with environmentally sustainable means – “I was paired with 4 other interns for this project. The other interns were mainly engineering and architectural majors, so I was tasked with figuring out sustainability and monitoring systems (air pollution, water pollution, etc.) for the consumer space. I also incorporated renewable energy and water resource management into the final result.”
  • Completed project site visits: Dominion Energy (VA), Pump Station (MA), Wastewater Plant (MA), Wastewater Plant (VA), and Emergency River Repair (VA)

What did you gain from this internship?

  • “Comprehensive understanding of how safety and environmental health go together; corporate experience; valuable experience with wastewater management, stormwater best management practices (BMPs), and environmental compliance; lifelong friends and memories; and a great addition to my resume”

Kayla Robinson

Internship: Craven County Health Department through the NEHA National Environmental Public Health Internship Program (NEPHIP)

Role: Responsible for assisting with Risk Factor Studies, participate in training courses, complete Food Lodging Institution (FLI) project work as assigned, and developing working knowledge of local, state and federal environmental health laws and regulations.

Accomplishments: Completed Centralized Intern Training (CIT) general and food modules; became ServSafe Certified  as both an instructor and proctor; taught 1 ServSafe course and proctored the exam; presented to the Craven County Food Safety Advisory Council; conducted Risk Factor Studies throughout the county; attended the NorthEastern Environmental Health meeting; accompanied Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) staff during FLI inspections and complaint investigations; and worked on emergency preparedness and response flyers

What I Learned about the Environmental Health Field

“I learned that this field is not always black and white. You have to be creative, think outside the box, and cannot panic in an emergency situation. You must to look at many different factors before you make a final decision about how you might handle something.”

My Overall Experience

“When it comes to my overall experience, I would most definitely recommend this internship to other students. This internship gave me exposure that I would not have gotten if I did not apply. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my degree. Being at the health department has given me a greater interest in food and lodging and has opened me up to exploring this field further… My most positive experience was getting to meet and work with so many different people. Almost everyday I was meeting someone new in a different restaurant, which pushed me to get out of my comfort zone and become confident when talking to people.”

Henry Twarog

Internship: Catalent Pharma Solutions, Greenville, NC

Role: Waste Management Technician – supports Housekeeping and Waste Management programs in accordance with company policies as well as federal, state, and local agency regulations and guidelines.

Kaleigh Bell

Internship: Dare County Department of Health and Human Services

Role: Performs intermediate skilled technical work promoting and protecting public health through education, consultation and enforcement of Federal, State and local environmental health laws and regulations, maintaining files and records, preparing reports, and related work as apparent or assigned. Work is performed under the general direction of the Senior Environmental Health Specialist and the Environmental Health Supervisor.

Accomplishments: Completed the CIT and State training