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Ask Miss Liza: County Fair

Dear Miss Liza,

We are taking the family to the County Fair this week. I am so looking forward to seeing the animals, playing the games, riding the Ferris wheel and eating my favorite food… Italian sausage with green onion… yum yum! Do you have any advice for me and the kids?

John John

Ask Miss LizaDear John John,

First of all, why do you have two first names? I love the county fair too! The lights, the people, all good fun! But please make sure you and the kids wash your hands after leaving the Petting Zoo! These cute little animals can have “poop” (no fault of theirs) on their fur. When you and the kids touch these animals, bacteria like E. coli can transfer to your hands. E. coli (the poop bacteria) normally lives in the intestines of people and animals. So Wash Your Hands, Man!!!

Miss Liza

P.S. Bring me a funnel cake!