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World Environmental Health Day 2017 at ECU

World Environmental Health Day (WEHD) was celebrated at East Carolina University for the 2nd year on September 26, 2017 by the ECU Environmental Health Sciences (EHS) Program, along with the International Federation of Environmental Health (IFEH) and the rest of the world.  The theme for this year is “Indoor and Outdoor Air Quality”.  Posters on various topics on environmental health, prepared both by faculty and students from the EHS program, were displayed for the whole day at the 1st floor corridors of Carol Belk Building. Slideshows were also made available for viewing for the entire day at the Belk Building lobby monitor.  The highlight of this event was the panel discussion wherein ECU EHS alumni and an MS Environmental Health (MSEH) graduate student discussed about their history with the ECU BSEH/MSEH Programs, their career accomplishments or career goals, and how the ECU BSEH/MSEH Programs have helped or are helping them in their careers or career goals.  This WEHD event aims to promote and increase the awareness on the field of environmental health among ECU students, faculty and staff.  These activities at ECU, together with others around the world, are also published on the IFEH WEHD Webpage.


ECU Environmental Health students celebrating World Environmental Health Day, September 26, 2017


Posters on various environmental health topics prepared by ECU Environmental Health students and faculty, September 26, 2017


ECU EH alumni, Dr. Paul Knechtges (MSEH alumnus), Capt. Mike Herring (BSEH 1980), Jaron Herring (BSEH 2012) and Kelly Shook (MSEH 2003), and MS Environmental Health student, Nadya Majette-Elliott as panelists, September 26, 2017


Our distinguished panelists with the ECU Environmental Health faculty, September 26, 2017


Environmental Health slides displayed at the monitor located at the 1st floor lobby of Carol Belk Building, September 26, 2017