EH students featured in Entomological Society of America (ESA) video contest entry

ECU Environmental Health students were featured in a video entry for the Entomological Society of America (ESA) 2016 YouTube Your Entomology Contest.  The 3-minute video, produced by Drs. Stephanie Richards (ESA member) and Jo Anne Balanay, shows how our EH students set CDC mosquito light traps and ovitraps in the field, count mosquito eggs from ovitrap paper strips, and count and identify collected mosquitoes to species in the lab for the mosquito barrier spray study led by Dr. Stephanie Richards as the principal investigator. This is the first year the EHS program participated in the ESA video contest.

This is the link to the ESA’s playlist of the 2016 video entries for this year’s YouTube Your Entomology Contest, showing our entry as video entry #18: 2016 YouTube Your Entomology Contest Videos

This is the direct YouTube link to our ESA video entry: ECU Mosquito Barrier Spray Study

ESA will be choosing a winner and a runner-up.  Good luck to us!!!