Jan Lewis
Director Joyner Library Phone: 252-328-2267 Email: lewisja@ecu.edu Area of expertise: library collections and services
Director Joyner Library Phone: 252-328-2267 Email: lewisja@ecu.edu Area of expertise: library collections and services
Associate Professor Department of Public Health Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-4036 • Email: leac@ecu.edu Website: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/publichealth/faculty/suzanneLea.cfm Area of expertise: cancer epidemiology
Distinguished Professor, Department of Economics Director, Center for Natural Hazards Research Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-5718 Email: krusej@ecu.edu Website: https://economics.ecu.edu/faculty-staff/krusej/ Areas of expertise: risk, health, wind hazard economics; disease management; response to hazards; floods; flooding
Vincent K. McMahon Distinguished Professor Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management College of Business Phone: 252-328-6364 Email: krosj@ecu.edu Website: https://business.ecu.edu/faculty/krosj/ Areas of expertise: Applied probability and statistics (e.g., N.C. Lottery, gambling, waiting lines and queues), decision analysis and risk preference, manufacturing and service trends, supply chain management, procurement, logistics
Associate Professor Director of Graduate Studies Department of English Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-2832 Email: kittaa@ecu.edu Website: https://english.ecu.edu/people/faculty/andrea-kitta/ Areas of expertise: Cultural history of vaccination, the anti-vaccination movement, modern medical folklore, folklore of medicine, patient/doctor communication, urban legends, folklore, Slender Man, the supernatural, ghosts
Professor Department of Public Health Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-5572 Email: jilcotts@ecu.edu Website: https://public-health.ecu.edu/jilcotts/ Areas of expertise: obesity, nutrition, health behavior
Professor, Department of Kinesiology Director, ECU Human Performance Lab College of Health and Human Performance Phone: 252-737-4617 Email: houmardj@ecu.edu Website: https://scholars.ecu.edu/display/F63734801 Areas of expertise: exercise and obesity, STRIDE research grant
Associate Professor Department of History Thomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences Phone: 252-328-6749 Email: grossm@ecu.edu Website: https://history.ecu.edu/michael-b-gross/ Areas of expertise: anti-Catholic culture in Germany, German liberalism
Professor and Chair Department of Coastal Studies Integrated Coastal Programs Phone: 252-328-1748 Email: griffithd@ecu.edu Website: https://coastal.ecu.edu/coastalstudies/david-griffith/ Areas of expertise: economic anthropology, labor studies, migration, Caribbean