Ian Hines

Associate Professor Department of Nutrition Science College of Allied Health Sciences Phone: 252-744-1041 Email: hinesi@ecu.edu Areas of expertise: alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, regulation of liver immune cell function, hepatic fibrosis/cirrhosis induction and progression, interrelation of diet and intestinal bacteria on liver function

Oyinlola Toyin Babatunde

Associate Professor Department of Nutrition Science College of Allied Health Sciences Phone: 252-737-1855 Email: babatundeo@ecu.edu Website: https://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/nutr/faculty/babatundeo.cfm Areas of expertise: health promotion and disease prevention, geriatric nutrition and healthy aging, global health and community nutrition, community-based nutrition intervention and health promotion programs, health disparities, needs assessment and food insecurity to develop cost-effective intervention strategies