Cedron Williams

Director Office of Clinical Trials Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-0361 Email: williamsce19@ecu.edu Areas of expertise: clinical site management, biotechnology management, commercialization and innovation, diversity in clinical trials, sickle cell disease, hematology, oncology, clinical research administration

Sheena Eagan

Assistant Professor Department of Bioethics and Interdisciplinary Studies Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-2492 Email: eagansh17@ecu.edu Website: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/bioethics/chamberlins17.cfm Areas of expertise: bioethics, medical humanities, military medical ethics, history of medicine, public health ethics, medicine and the Holocaust

Eric J. Bailey

ProfessorDepartment of AnthropologyThomas Harriot College of Arts and Sciences ProfessorDirector, Ethnic and Rural Health Disparities (ERHD) ProgramDepartment of Public HealthBrody School of Medicine Phone: 252-328-9448 Email: baileye@ecu.edu Websites: https://anthropology.ecu.edu/eric-bailey/ and https://public-health.ecu.edu/baileye/ and http://www.raceandethnicrelationsoncampus.com Areas of expertise: cultural and medical anthropology, ethnic and rural health disparities, African American health, race and ethnic relations, professional development anthropology, U.S. public … Read more

Rachel Roper

Professor Department of Microbiology and Immunology Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-2708 Email: roperr@ecu.edu Website: https://microbiology-immunology.ecu.edu/rachel-l-roper/ Areas of expertise: Virus, vaccine, poxvirus, smallpox, monkeypox, SARS, COVID, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus, gender bias in science/STEM

Brett D. Keiper

Associate Professor and Graduate Director Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-2656 Email: keiperb@ecu.edu Website: http://www.ecu.edu/cs-dhs/biochemistry/KeiperBrett.cfm Areas of expertise: germ cells, protein synthesis, mRNA, ribosomes, reproduction and gametogenesis, apoptosis and oncogenesis, gene expression

William Meggs

Professor Executive Vice Chair of Faculty, Research and Toxicology Department of Emergency Medicine Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-2954 Email: meggsw@ecu.edu Website: https://emergency-medicine.ecu.edu/faculty/meggsw/ Areas of expertise: toxicology, inflammation, designer drugs, bath salts, emergency medicine

N. Ruth Gaskins Little

Assistant Professor Director, DrPH – Health Policy, Administration and Leadership Program Department of Public Health Brody School of Medicine Phone: 252-744-3123 Email: littlena@ecu.edu Website: https://public-health.ecu.edu/littlena/ Areas of expertise: health care delivery to underserved populations, access to health care, public health leadership development including personnel and administration, aging and long-term care, substance abuse prevention