New “Gay Anthem”

Hey guys and girls,

Apparently, there’s a song out by Lady Gaga that constitutes a new “gay anthem.”  The song’s called “Born This Way,” and seems to be in support of GLBT issues in a more direct way the”I Am Beautiful” of Christina Aguilera fame.  Most interesting about this to me is that, if I’m not mistaken (those of you who know me are aware that I’m not exactly up on pop culture), Lady Gaga is actually relatively popular in mainstream society, and as such, she might be capable of contributing to the reshaping of the attitudes of a certain sub-population of the country (teens maybe?); it’d be interesting to see if some “on-the-fence” individuals actually look up to this celebrity enough to embrace a more open-minded approach to the LGBT community.  I’m not very optimistic that adamant LGBT opposition will automatically reverse their opinions (regardless of how much they love Lady Gaga!), but maybe such a song serve to establish some ally-ship with the LGBT community.

I mean, I’ve known individuals who did everything in their power to emulate rap stars (everything from clothing and slang right up to political views), maybe Lady Gaga could have a similar effect with regard to facilitating a more accepting public gay image.

