Democratic Republic of Congo Rape Trials

The colonel of the DR Congo Kibibi Mutware is being jailed for crimes against humanity for being responsible for a mass rape.  Kibibi sent his soldiers to steal and rape the Fizi on New Year’s Day.  More than 60 Fizi women were rape on New Year’s Day.  Kibibi is the first commanding officer to be convicted in the DR Congo of rape.  Kibibi is being sentenced to 20 years in jail, and five other soldiers are being sentenced to jail for 10 to 15 years.  The 2,000 people who attended the court hearings were disappointed because they wanted the death sentence for the colonel.  The United Nations reported that there were at least 11,000 rapes in the DR Congo in 2010, but that the real number is probably much higher.

Ronnie Miller