Equality in the #metoo movement


Recently Katy Perry has been under fire for kissing a 19 year old American Idol contestant without consent. People are raising concerns that the singer took advantage of her position. While Luke told the boy that he should be happy that his first kiss was Katy Perry, the boy revealed that he wanted his first kiss to be special. Just because Katy Perry is a woman does not mean that she cannot abuse her power and sexually harass/assault someone. Katy needs to atone for what she did. We cannot let abuse happen from any side, male or female.

If one of the male contestants had done this to a female 19 year old, there would be outrage, as their should be. We need to protect all people, and prosecute all who break from the rules.

The boy has responded to the outrage by many people, claiming that he is not angry at Katy Perry; however, we also have a stigma in our society that men are not the ones getting assaulted/harassed, and that it is unmanly for these to happen.

Is this a product of that?

What do you think?


-Chelsea Cullen