Male Sexual Dominance Within the NFL: How we can stop the sterotype

Within the NFL and even within the collegiate football world, football players have been profiled as being the ones to do the assaulting or in the case in which they actually did the act, they soon get the act erased from their profile as a pat on the back from their coaches to not do it again or in some instances may get applauded for it. In this article, author, Dewitt Scott, talks about how NFL and other athletes within the sports field can be further educated on how we can stop this from happening and hopeful stop many males from trying to pursue anything further without consent.


In the article, Scott talks about many ways in which he had teammates think that they were not committing rape when in reality they were by either trying to persuade a girl into the act or even just using their physical bodies to actually push them into doing it. In order to stop the madness of this happening to women further by any sports corporation, he is suggesting that these athletes need to be educated with survivors of sexual assault coming in and actually telling their stories of how they were treated. Although, this is a good approach I still have doubts that this will work.


So my question to you all is, if we approach all college athletes or NFL athletes within this way of having survivors come in and tell their stories, will it actually make a difference to some of the athletes or will they listen?