Men Fearful After #MeToo Movement

This article by the HuffPost discusses backlash to the #MeToo movement. We discussed in class and read about different negative opinions about and criticisms of the #MeToo movement. I was interested to see how these negative opinions and criticisms could negatively affect the movement’s progress in helping prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. The article discusses how a significantly larger number of men feel uncomfortable mentoring or socializing with women since the movement began. Men are now more aware of their actions and do not want to risk making women feel uncomfortable.

Although false accusations are rare, men seem to believe that a lot of the accusations that have come about because of the #MeToo movement are fabricated and untruthful. Men believe that their interactions with women will look inappropriate to others and get them into some sort of trouble because of accusations of sexual harassment. This affects relationships in the workplace. With more men holding higher positions at work and women being excluded from meetings and social outings, women are unable to advance in their careers. It is now harder for women to do their jobs and get ahead. Has this consequence of the movement caused more harm than good? 

The article brings up how if men want to help be a solution to the issue of sexual harassment and rape then they should not stop interacting with women altogether. With men not wanting to interact with women, women cannot advance in their careers which ultimately doesn’t help solve the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace. Having women in higher positions, where men are, can help solve the issue of sexual harassment.

While reading a few questions came to mind. Why would men be scared to interact women if they aren’t sexual predators themselves? Is this part of a larger sociological issue? If all they have to do is not be predatory, why would that be difficult to do? What does this say about how men are socialized? It may have something to do with rape culture and how normalized predatory behavior is in media.


2 thoughts on “Men Fearful After #MeToo Movement”

  1. First of all I love that you brought this article to light and about this specific subject of why would men be scared of interacting with women unless they are the predators themselves. I do believe in a old saying where the guilty will always talk first as to why they are opposed and why not. The ones that are feeling offended about asking those questions and or can’t come up with an answer of why they don’t want to be around women in their workplace that explains that scared behavior. All in all great post!

  2. Like stated in a previous response, only the men that practice predator like behavior are the only men that would be scared with the #MeToo movement.
    While false accusations are scary and can’t oftentimes ruin a person’s image, once a person is cleared, their image is restored and usually the accuser is dealt with.
    In regard to men and women interacting in the workplace, as long as the employees are following company protocol and procedure, there would be no altercation to arise.
    To conclude, this was a great post! I believe the only men that are fearful are the ones that are participating in the predatory behavior themselves.

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