Hate Crimes on Campus

Hey everyone, I finally tracked down this article from the east carolinian which discusses the hate crime that left two girls injured.One of the girls had to have reconstructive surgery on her jaw because of the extent of the injuries she received. The interesting fact is that this event occurred around the 18th of October 2010 and the chancellor did not send anything out about it until the 23rd of November. So what was the hold up? Why did it take so long to get information out? After the West Virgina game when everyone rushed the field it took what a week to get the information that we are not to do that again? Where do our priorities lie? I have copied the East Carolinian link as well as the email from Steve Ballard (which I still had in my inbox).  

TO:                         ECU Students
FROM:                 Steve Ballard, Chancellor

This is a mass non response listserv service please do not reply to this e-mail thank you.
If you are in receipt of this announcement it is because you are a registered student at
East Carolina University.

DATE:                    November 23, 2010
SUBJECT:             Unacceptable Student Behavior
On October 14th, an incident took place outside Tyler Hall between a small group of ECU students and two campus guests.  The incident started with the guests being verbally assaulted with sexist and homophobic comments, and the situation escalated to the guests being physically assaulted.
Those involved in this senseless act have been identified and face potential criminal charges as well as possible violations and penalties in relation to the ECU Student Code of Conduct from the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities.    
This type of behavior is completely inappropriate and will not be tolerated.  I have heard from several students, faculty and staff who are outraged about this incident and the fact that it happened on our campus. There is also deep concern within the campus community associated with the reason(s) behind the assault as well as the disrespectful nature of the language used during the incident. The campus community has every right to be bothered by this act, and my administration shares in their frustration and disappointment.  
The ECU Police Department and Student Affairs staff met with the Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered Student Union (GLBTSU) to update them on the incident and investigation, as well as hear any community concerns.  Additionally, ECU has convened a special Bias Assessment and Response Task Force which will address these concerns and develop a campus plan which includes strengthening communication, education and awareness at East Carolina University.
I want to repeat that East Carolina University has zero tolerance for this type of behavior.  Let’s remember that we have a proud history of inclusion and creating opportunity.  We are one community, not several.  Among the values that have guided us, teamwork and respect are the most important.  



-Jessica Wagoner