The Risk of Rape for Tanzanian School Girls

Girls who desire to finish their schooling usually have to live far away from their villages and families in cheap huts called ghettos.  The ghettos are buildings without  electricity, water, and security for the girls living in them.  This has made the girls a prime target for men who want to rape them.  It is believed that the 20% drop out rates of girls between 13 and 17 years old is mainly caused by pregnancies from being raped.  Usually the ghettos are too far from authorities to stop men from raping the girls, and when girls scream for help no one comes to help them.  The girls in the ghettos live in fear that makes it hard for them to sleep and study for their classes.  Aid Organizations are working to build dormitories, but there is an understanding that the culture needs to be changed in order to protect women from rape.  In one case two men were caught for raping girls in the ghetto, but they were never convicted.

Ronnie Miller