Access to Toilet Without Rape: Basic Right?

This article examines how public toilets and latrines in slums in Kenya are not only hazardous due to their unsanitary conditions, but also because the women who use them are very often raped in the process. Many times women go to use the facilities and are attacked and raped, often brutally and by multiple offenders. One women interviewed in this article even contracted HIV from her assault. The article discusses how some humanitarian groups have been trying to invent new ways for women to be able to relieve themselves in safety, but also without creating further public health hazards. A Dutch inventor has created a kind of bag that turns human waste into compost after a few, alleviating the problem of human waste being thrown from the houses where these women are very literally imprisoned in order to remain safe. It leaves to question…is even having access to a toilet a basic human right? Apparently not for women. Lena Jones