Michelle Obama and Anti-Gay Laws in Russia

I found two articles this week that were equally relevant and thought provoking in light of our readings, and I could not choose to share just one.

The first is from the Feminist Wire where the first lady is being criticized for deciding to work in the home and how she is being looked at through the white patriarchal lens of feminism. My favorite quote from the article is from Flavia Dzodan  “my feminism will be intersectional or it will be BS.”

Washington Post and 'Feminist Americans' Won't Let Michelle Obama Have It All

The second article is about anti-gay legislation that is being pushed in Russia. We take our freedoms for granted all too often in the US and forget those that are fighting around the world to be able to kiss their partner or hold a public meeting. This is an excellent article about the LGBTQ movement on a global perspective.